Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's so difficult

to think up titles for my ramblings about life and homeschool. I really don't think, most of the time, they are title-worthy. Anyway, yesterday's school went okay, although I didn't do group time with the kids as I had a lot of work to make up from a computer malfunction on Sunday and worked most of the day off and on. We did everything else. Today's the day we find out what the orthopedist says about oldest son's ankle. I'm anxious to know what's going on with it.

Today, I need to focus on school a bit more than yesterday, actually get group time done and all that. (At group time, we do grammar and biology). I think with math, we'll do Dad's math time and math time with Mom, to double the kids joy and to make sure that we get those gaps filled in. I just can't tell you how popular this decision is going to make me. I'm going to try making math notebooks with them. We'll see how it goes.

Yesterday, I made Manwich and corn for dinner (gourmet!). My oldest son said that somebody ought to bottle that juice that the corn and the butter make together and sell it because it's so good! I don't think anyone would buy it, but they might. :-) Hey, people actually buy Clamato!  I'd much rather drink corn juice than clam juice, but maybe that's just me?

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