Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's definite.

My son has been walking around for 6 weeks on a broken ankle.  If we'd went to see the orthopedist as soon as it happened, he would have been in a cast and on crutches for 6 weeks.  As it was, the immediate care center doctor told us it was not broken, but if it was not better in 10 days to go seen an orthopedist, leading us to have about 100 conversations like this.

Me:  "So is it better, do you think we should go to the orthopedist?"
Son:  "I think it's better.  Its somewhat better.  Yes, I do think it's better.   We should wait."

Then about 2 days later, we'd have the exact same discussion.  Finally, I decided it really should be better than it was and took him in. 

Since we did not get it looked at in a reasonable amount of time, now the plan is different and does not involve a cast.  We are going to wait 6 weeks, do another CAT scan (or MRI?  It was not clear which it was, I think CAT scan.) and if the bone fragment is still not attached/healed, go in surgically and take it out.  The doctor also said that there had been a very bad sprain and that he could see that the ligaments were healing, but that they had been seriously stressed.  I'm glad to know that the ligaments aren't torn.

Anyway, we'll know in 6 weeks I guess.  The thing is, this boy has broken a couple of bones before; he once broke a small bone in his foot while running in the living room, then a few years later, broke his collarbone while sleigh riding.  When he had those accidents, he was very much a little boy with lots of crying and it was easier to tell how he was feeling.  Now, he's a very stoic young man and it's difficult for his parents to tell.   Eventually, we did get him the care he needed but I sure hate that the delay might mean he has to have surgery.  I don't think he'll be brave when it comes to the needles, although he might surprise me.


  1. Hi!

    I enjoyed looking through your blog - thanks for visiting us.

    So sorry to hear about your son's ankle, we have gone through a broken foot where they told us it wasn't broken and ended up it was, no fun.

  2. Hi.

    I'm new to your blog.

    I hope your son recovers well without surgery. I broke 11 bones in my foot last year and was told it was probably a mild sprain. If he does require surgery, he'll get strong upper body muscles from crutches, at least.

    Best Wishes to you and your family.
