Thursday, November 19, 2009

What we are up to around here.

It's Thursday.  I don't have to work today but as usual, I'll probably do a little to help my line counts.  They've been kind of dismal this week because I've had some really difficult work.  Also, I'm going to write some articles for Helium because I'm trying to get an on-line writing job and I'll need some articles here and there for people to look at.  For school, we've been on a break from reading The Story of Science and today we're going to start back.  In the meantime, we've been watching DVDs and video tapes from the Freshwater Fred Lending Library.   We watched a facinating one on the brain yesterday.  it showed a woman who was very organized, a neurologist, who had a stroke and then had to use her right brain more because her left brain was damaged.  She was less organized but more creative.  I think maybe there is more than one right brainer living in this house.   

Our lives have been going on in kind of an uneventful way which is kind of nice.   I like it.  We've got skating tonight and tomorrow we've got a field trip with the homeschool group to a movie.  We're going to see A Christmas Carol.  I hope it's good.  The last movie I saw in the theater was G-Force and I was not impressed.  

1 comment:

  1. We got a shipment from Fred in the mail yesterday. A video called "Food Fight" about the food industry (hey, maybe it will get me to stop stress eating), a curriculum about energy - hoping to get a few neat ideas, a video about Picasso, and one about the Moscow Circus!
