Friday, November 20, 2009


Feels like November.  The weather is finally getting cold.  I've been leaving sweaters here and there and everywhere, thinking I'll need them because after all, it's November, then getting warm and taking them off and leaving them there. 

Really annoyed at my job right now.   I got a report last night, back from the quality assurance editor, that had some really odd things on it.  I emailed it back with questions and I'm waiting for a response.  Meanwhile, I'm thinking of where can I apply for a new job ...

Internet connection=Bad.  I've been having trouble getting pages to load.   Everything takes so long because we are the only people in the country still on dial-up.  (Okay, maybe not, but it seems that way.).  This seriously limits the jobs I can apply for as an MT.  Seriously, like down to about 10% of the available jobs. 

Debating whether or not to do my school list.  I mean we've got a field trip this afternoon, so is that an excuse not to have to do it? 

A All of my passwords are having to be replaced this week.  My husband has done some kind of update to my browser and I am having to try and remember every password I've ever used for everything and it's not going all that well.  Maybe I should just use the same one all the time? 

Yikes!  I don't feel ready for the holidays.  I haven't even THOUGHT about shopping yet!  They're coming and there's no way I can get an extra week, but wow, I'm so not ready.

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