Monday, November 23, 2009

I guess a post titled M-O-N -D- A-Y

would be too soon after the F-R-I-D-A-Y one? Okay, here's what's going on today without making an acronym poem. I'm trying to think a little about Christmas and trying to think a bit about possibly earning more money to pay for Christmas. Last night my footpedal would not work properly and I have no idea why, so I was going to see if I could get my in-house tech support to take a look at it. I really don't want to have to buy a new footpedal. I feel like nothing, not. one. single. thing., has gone right since I went back to this job. It has been a constant struggle to barely get by and I have been desparately trying to keep my head above water. Not fun. The writing job I applied for hired someone else, so I'll keep looking.

I've got to teach 4H tomorrow so today is the day I'll pull the lessons out and take a look at them, just to get a little bit prepared. I think tomorrow's going to be a fun lesson, as we'll be talking about flight and making gliders. We should probably do school here at home too. We've been doing the bare minimum for a while and we need to get back to the regular, full routine.

That's it. Can you believe this is Thanksgiving week?

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