Tuesday, November 24, 2009

4H and then other things.

We've got 4H today and the assignment the kids were supposed to have done since last month was filling out a paper about the birds at our feeder and taking a picture of one. Guess what they're doing right now? In their defense, they did try the day after the last 4H class, then forgot about it until now. We've only really had 3 kinds of birds at our feeder, tufted titmice, cardinals and some kind of chickadee ( the kids could tell you). The cats think that this feeder is facinating. They'll sit under it and watch the show but so far, haven't jumped or harmed any of the birds as far as we know. This is a tufted titmouse in the photo. The second photo is our calico cat, Zoey.

So I'm doing a few different things this morning, blogging, bird watching, fixing lunch, trying to help my husband with fixing my foot pedal, cleaning and getting ready for the 4H class. I'm on day 5 of my menstrual headache so that's fun.

1 comment:

  1. It must be a kid thig--to wait till the last minute. My kids do the same.....and, I did as a kid too!
