Friday, October 16, 2009


It's Friday.  We didn't do school today, taking yet another day of our fall break.  We take them here and there, when the mood strikes or when we're having something going on.  (Don't worry, I'm keeping attendance records to comply with the state laws).  We're having another sleepover tonight.  I guess we're getting the hang of it now.  Even the one of us who has the most trouble with strangers, Freckles, (pictured above) is doing well tonight.  Now, since the young man has been here a few hours, she's walking around as usual, with her tail up (it's down when she's not happy!) and not barking at him or anything.  It's pretty amazing.  

The boys are playing Wii.  I'm in my room working, but I check on them pretty frequently.  I cooked tacos and taco soup for them to eat, but they are too engrossed in their games to pause for a minute and eat.  My daughter is not sure what to do with herself this evening.  The last time I checked on her, she was reading quietly in the same room where the boys are being loud.  She's used to loud boys, obviously.

We went to the library today and got some really good books.  They had several holds for us, including a new Peter and the Starcatchers called Peter and the Sword of Mercy.  It just came out this month.  We'll read it when we finish Ranger's Apprentice.  We've just started the 6th book of that series.  There are 8 in the series but our library only has 6 of them.  They're checking to see if they can get the other 2 for me. Those Ranger Apprentice books are really good.  The other night, I said I didn't want to keep reading because my back was hurting and the 2 younger kids chimed in with "We'll rub your back while you read another chapter."  Hey, you can't beat that.  I read the chapter.  I pretty much never turn down a backrub.

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