Thursday, October 15, 2009

Command Central.

We need a bulletin board for all these schedules and lists.  One is the daily schedule, one is the weekly schedule, one is the exercise list and one is the skip counting reminder.  I put a rhyme there for them to use if they needed it, but they're just memorizing the numbers, 4, 12, 16, 20, etc.  School's going okay.  It's getting done.  There's been nothing all that exciting or interesting going on, but it's been a nice week.  I am going to have to (probably) link the kids work to my compliance with my list, as in if I don't do it, they don't have to do school.  That seems to be the only way I'll get all my stuff done.  I'm terribly unmotivated. 

I'm trying to go gluten free today to see if it will help with my chronic fatigue (I read an article that said it would).  I was going to do it yesterday, but then they were cooking at the pretzel place while we were in Wal-Mart and we had to get some, so today's another day, right?   The main thing I'm going to miss is my favorite cream of broccoli soup and the crackers in it, although I do need to check the soup again because I keep getting the 'bad' ingredients mixed up.  The different words that mean 'wheat' on a label is a list that is 4 pages long and I keep thinking things like "whey" are wheat, but I think that's milk so I may have rejected the soup prematurely.  I hope so because I love that stuff.

I got the Ikea catalog in the mail yesterday and now I want to buy a bunch of stuff to try and transform my laundry/mud room into an organized wonder instead of what it is, which is pretty much the opposite of that.  I keep going through the catalog again and again. 

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