Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Working the plan.

We're in day two of the new housekeeping/work list.  So far, I've done one thing, but hey, it's a start.  Yesterday went pretty well.  We took Max to the vet and it turns out that he has ear infections in both ears.  I tell you what, with these dogs, I might as well have babies.  Max kept me up pretty much all night the night before last and last night, Freckles felt the need to get up and go outside at 2:30 a.m.  Last night, at about 2:35 a.m., Freckles I had a discussion about her going to live with strangers ... but I didn't mean it.  She's had enough homes in her young life.  I would like to sleep though. 

Anyway, back to my quest to figure out what is the minimum amount of housework I can do and still keep my house presentable ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    My dog Patches also loves to go out at 2:30, even 4:00 am. Drives me nuts. SHe also won't eat at all during the day. Come 1 am she is ready to eat!! AM trying to untrain her bad habits, but it isn't working!!
    I feel your pain and maybe one day we both will sleep through the night!!!
