Thursday, September 17, 2009

Still going.

I'm still trying to stick as exactly to the schedule/work plan as I can.  Since we started school in August, I've had a really easy daily plan and this week, I've ramped it up quite a bit and I've been trying to stick to it exactly, trying to see if it works.  The only way to see if a plan works is to try it.  I've just got back from exercising outside and now I'm going to start on cleaning and my hour of medical transcription work I've added to the mornings.  (normally I work in the evenings).  It's the only way I can see if the goals/plans are even reasonable.  I guess I could add it all up.

Total hours in a week - 168
Hours of work 30
Hours of school 7.5 (I've worked for 5 years to train the kids to work without me sitting right there and it has paid off, mostly.)
Hours of sleep 56 (if the dogs didn't wake me up)
Napping 7  (if the phone doesn't wake me up.  This chronic fatigue thingy is killer!)
Housework 5
Exercise 2.5
Blogging 2
Family obligations 6
Church 2
Driving people places. 6
Email 7
Drinking coffee/staring into space 3.5
Showering, grooming, getting dressed 7

This leaves me 23 hours to just do nothing?   Well actually not.  I left off shopping for groceries, taking people and dogs to the doctor/vet, watching 24, a lot of cleaning that I don't really think about and don't really count, reading and shopping for wall quotes.  One of these days I'm actually going to decide on a wall quote and buy it and then what will I do with my time?  LoL. 

(Wall quote above by Ecrater

1 comment:

  1. I've decided to save a tree and start writing all of Emily's lessons out in the dust on the furniture.
