Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tuesday, the 8th.

Can ya'll believe it's September 8 already? Where did this year go? The good news is I'm finally feeling better and the kids who got "it" (whatever it was) just seemed to have a case of the sniffles.  It didn't seem to hit them as hard as it hit me, thankfully.  I'd hate to have 3 kids around here who felt like they'd been run over by a truck.  Yesterday, my youngest did feel tired and said he felt like he had "300 pound eyelids" but today he says he feels better. 

The bad news around here is that my husband's grandfather passed away yesterday.  The funeral home visitation starts tomorrow so today is kind of a limbo day and I guess we'll just go about our usual activities?  We've got school and a planning meeting for the homeschool group so I guess we'll go on as usual. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are finally feeling better!

    Sorry about your loss.
