Saturday, September 12, 2009

House Rules # 3- Miscellaneous.

School Lists - Everyone does everything on their school list every day with the exception of 3 "freebies" a week. Freebies can be used to opt out of some of the assignments. They can't be used for the same thing twice in one week. They can NEVER be used for math. Everyone needs to get their lists done before 3:00 p.m. (this one is not enforced adequately).

Swimming - No swimming alone.

Kid of the Day - The kid of the day gets preference if there is a squabble over something, like who 'called' the TV. Each kid has 2 days a week and mom has 1 also (just because there was one left over). For squabbles on mom's day, they usually just flip a coin or something.

Home Alone Rules - If the kids are home alone, they can't go outside, they can't cook and they get SCREENTIME. They hate to see me come home.

Dish rules - We made up an elaborate system last year to label everyone's dishes and have them use only those, and wash them when they were done, but this did NOT work. There was gross disobedience, mostly by me, and we've dropped this idea, although Dad is still trying to hang onto it, using only his own dishes, all the rest of them are just pretty much a free-for-all. It's a good idea, but the kids were so unbelieveably resistant to washing out their dishes and I didn't have whatever it took to fight my half of the battle (Dad fought his half well). So anyway, we've kind of dropped this one. I'm the one who pays for it, because I'm the one who washes dishes. Sigh.

Anyway, those are some of our crazy rules. We are peaceable most of the time around here, so I guess they mostly work.

Now I need to stop blogging and start doing something useful.

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