Saturday, September 12, 2009

House Rules #2 - Snacks.

I had to ask my daughter the snack rules because they're not clear in my mind for some reason. :-p Here they are, according to what she told me. If I buy sweets at the grocery they can only have 2 sweet snacks per day. If I buy salty snacks, there are rules for those too. Chips have to be eaten with a sandwich (so you will get full and not eat too many). You can only have 1 handful of goldfish crackers per day because my youngest would eat the whole bag on grocery day if left to his own devices. Snacks that come in boxes of 6, each person gets 1 and we have a drawing to see who gets the extra. They usually have a lottery for mine too, because I don't eat things like pop tarts and toaster streudel. right now, we've got caramel apples and I haven't decided if I want to eat mine yet, so the drawing has not yet been done. There are no limits on fruit, applesauce, yogurt and things like that, although sometimes if the yogurt is a very popular kind, the kids will make rules and divide them up. They are into some kind of squeezy things right now.

Unfortunately, due to my recent laziness about cooking, I only cook 1 time per day, if that, and a lot of the times we follow the YOYO plan of eating which means 'you're on your own" or in other words, mom's not going to cook, so I try to keep whole wheat bread, sandwich makings, fruit, yogurt, applesauce, salad and various other things that the kids can make for themselves. I've gotten awfully, awfully lazy in the cooking department. Honestly though, since I had lap band surgery a few years ago, I can't eat a lot of things and it's hard to get enthusiastic about cooking things you know you can't eat. I'm trying to do better though. If I'd make a meal plan and cook, I could save a lot of money at the grocery store.

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