Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Still regretting Monday's escapades!

I still deeply regret the sunscreen incident of Monday and also should have used some Deep Woods Off to go to a suburban pool apparently. I've done very little since then. I haven't felt like it. The house is a mess and we need groceries, but I may spend another day trying to recuperate and only doing the minimum or I may decide I can't stand the house any longer and clean it up. It just depends on how much the messy house gets on my nerves and how much the itching and burning is bothering me.

I have done a little bit of planning. I went to far as to list my resources. Now I've got to put them into a schedule for each child. Hey, it's not much progress, but it's a start. Really, if I concentrate, it should take half an hour now to get it in a schedule. I can always tweak it later. (And if you've been reading this blog long, you know I will!)

I spent some time yesterday looking for school resources on Netflix. Surprisingly, they have quite a few. If you are looking for this sort of thing on there, it helps if you know the exact name of the video. For example, you can't search for and find the Teaching Company videos that they have, but if you know the title, you can find it. Also, you can just do searches for things like Algebra, Chemistry, Geography, etc. This is a great resource that we are going to be using a lot this year.

Now to see if I can get anything done today.


1 comment:

  1. Gold Bond Powder. Draws the heat out of the sunburn AND will take care of bug bite itching. :o)
