Thursday, August 06, 2009

I actually did it.

I sat down with the kids yesterday and we talked about the new schedules, discussed what we'd be doing, when we'd be doing it and who wants what chores. It really went well and I typed the schedules up yesterday. I can't print them yet because we have some kind of network issue but I will. It feels good to have that done.

I did a weekly schedule in which each day says something like
wake up - 11:00 breakfast, shower, work on lists.
11:00 - 12:00 group time.
12:00- 3:00 work on individual lists.
3:00 - 7:00 this part is filled with a huge variety of things; naps, pool time, going outside, library, visiting, Fazolis with the homeschool group, skating, etc.
7:00 pm until bed - Mom working, kids have screen time.

Each individual list for each child has a list of things they can do on their own, exercise, chores, math, spelling, (for youngers) studying computer, driver's ed (for older), etc. At our group session, we'll be doing biology, chemistry, grammar, writing and history. Somehow. I think maybe we need more hours in the days? We may make group time go from 10:30 -12:30. It always needs some tweaking.

1 comment:

  1. We do subjects in the afternoon too. Violet likes to have her mornings to herself. I get my workout in and work done at the same time.
