Friday, August 07, 2009

A post about homeschooling.

I've done this before, but every now and then I like to reiterate our reasons for homeschooling and a few other notes.  So in no particular order here they are. 

1.  We started homeschooling because I read an article about this family that kept each one of their kids home from school for 1 year in middle school, just to bond with them.  After that 1 kid, 1 year beginning, our eyes were opened to the advantages and the possibilities.

2.  The advantages turned out to be that it was easier to work around my husband's work schedule and my work schedule and it just felt less stressful to our family.  No getting up early and consequently, no stressing over bedtime.  No freaking out (me or the kids!) over the massive loads of homework that were being assigned.  And after a while, the kids just seemed happier, more relaxed, we got to see them more.  I found I enjoyed teaching them in my own way, so much more than doing the rote homework with them every night.  (write the spelling words 3 times each, make a sentence with each word ... ad nauseum)  and they enjoyed it too.  That first year, we started studying world history, and it was a ton of fun.

3.  The possibilities included traveling during the off season, taking off whenever you need to and not worrying about truancy hearings (been to one, kindergarten, due to a kid having strep throat.), being able to deal with my kid's sensitivities, shyness and learning differences in a way that builds them up, gradually makes them more confident and does not destroy their self esteem.  I have had to do a lot of reading about learning styles, let me tell you.  They are all 3 different.

4.  Okay, so here's my advice to people who are considering homeschooling.  First, read a couple of books about it.  I liked Take a deep breath, you can do thisAnd check out some blogs about it.  Go to and start following the Carnival of Homeschooling blog carnival.  Secondly, relax.  You are not going to ruin your kids.  Don't try to do everything at once.  Don't push your kids too hard.  Relax.  (did I say that already?) Have some fun.  Use Cathy Duffy's Homeschool Reviews website to help guide you in curriculum choices.   Join the Homeschool Lounge so you can ask questions online and get advice.   Try to find a homeschool group in your area or find one on yahoo groups.  These are very helpful.  Do a google search.  I think HSLDA has a list of groups.  They also have state laws which are good to know.

5.  The last thing is why do I feel that homeschooling is necessary, I mean there are public schools that are free.   I personally don't feel that the public schools are doing all that good a job.  Literacy rates are falling, cheating rates are soaring.  I don't think it's good to keep kids warehoused like that all day.  They aren't getting enough exercise and outdoor time.  They give too much homework, cutting into family, nature and exercise time at home. 

Sorry, I think I've become a homeschooling zealot in the last 5 years!  I kind of think that homeschooling is like breast-feeding.  It's best for kids, individualized, on demand, more healthy, etc.  I think it is far superior to what they get in the government ran schools and if done well, helps prepare them better for life.  However, I do know it's not for everyone.   I do wish everyone would give it a try though and see if it is.  It might just be something your family really enjoys.

(stepping off soapbox now for a few months)


  1. I love the breastfeeding analogy! Priceless.

  2. I can carry it even further! You get similar comments from extended family as in "how long are you going to do that?" and "do you think that's good for him/her?"

  3. I agree so much about how much less stressful it is. Even on the worst days, at least the stress is all from us not an outside source saying, "do this work and get it done or you'll flunk, and oh by the way we need 40 cupcakes tomorrow and $10 for a teacher gift."

    I can't believe how much public school parents gripe about it, but don't do a thing to change it. I can't keep that quiet. :)

  4. Stay on the soapbox. We'll all climb uo there with you! :o)
