Sunday, August 09, 2009

And the disadvantages.

Okay, it wouldn't be fair to have a pro-homeschooling post without listing some of the disadvantages.

1.  Sometimes I would like to not do anything.  I would enjoy it if the kids were gone for the day and I could relax.  Okay.  I admit it.  Most of the time I don't feel this way, but every now and then I do.

2.  Math.  I don't enjoy math and I don't enjoy making other people do math.  This is my system.  I hand the kids their math books at the beginning of the year, assign a number of pages each day that need to be done and advise them that if they have any questions, they should ask their Dad.   Frequently, whining ensues.

3.  Mess.  The house gets messy faster with everyone home.

4.  Clothes.  My kids do not care if they are fashionable and they want to wear what they want to wear.   The other kids in the homeschool group dress well, so I think this may just be my kids. 


  1. I notice it is harder to sew Christmas presents or Christmas shop when homeschooling.
    YES!! It is a constant battle to keep the house clean!

  2. I secretly wish I had the house to myself sometimes. Ok, a lot of the time. But then I remind myself I will one day wayyyyyy too soon.
