Sunday, August 02, 2009

Lazy Sunday.

I'm having a very lazy weekend, not because I'm on vacation or anything, just because I'm lazy. :-) I haven't felt quite up to par, not terrible, but just not great. I am running a low grade temperature too. Maybe I've got a bladder infection? Those are my usual symptoms, just not feeling up to par and a low grade temp. It's 99.9 right now.

The boys and I went to Sunday School this morning (the girl was staying all night with her cousin) and then we cleaned out the VBS room I used for music and put the supplies away and since then, I've not done very much. I need to clean. I need to plan. There are just so many things I need to do, but I'm not doing them. I did kind of decide to start school on August 10. That will give the public schools only a 4 day lead on us and give me some time to get the house in order and maybe come up with a schedule before we start. Also, I've ordered a few books that haven't come in yet.

Okay, maybe not. I just looked at the calendar and see we have eye appointments that day right in the middle of the day. We've got something on the 11th and the 12th too. Hmm. Would it be unlucky to start on Thursday the 13th? I'm going to have to give this some thought. August is really looking busy. I like to have a clear week to start school in, but that doesn't look like it's going to be happening! It looks like we're going to have to start as we usually end, with all kinds of things happening, trying to get our days in. Oh well. That's life, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. We seem to be piling up appointments the week of the 10th as well. I wanted to start school then as well. I usually start in September. Plans may have to change. ;o)
