Monday, August 03, 2009

Feeling stupid and annoyed.

I forgot to sunscreen my legs today at the pool (after the first time when I only did the bottom part that was sticking out of my capris) and I used spray sunscreen and didn't know I was supposed to rub it in, so I got burned. It's pretty miserable. I think I need to stick to indoor pools from now on. I wasn't really planning on swimming, but after I got there, it was so warm, I decided to suit up and swim. It was fun, but now I feel really bad.

Another reason to feel stupid, I sent my daughter to a birthday party the other day for my niece, without a present, a card, anything. I thought of it after she got home. Duh!

1 comment:

  1. Kind of like I felt when I found my missing reading glasses in the refrig???
