Saturday, August 22, 2009

End of our first full week.

We had our first full week of homeschooling and it went okay, not perfectly but it was okay.  The first of the 2 math books finally arrived Thursday.  My daughter, after winning the fight to open package, pulled out the math textbook and said "Fantastic."  with basically the opposite of enthusiasm.  We didn't start math yet though.  We've got the state fair 1,  possibly 2 days next week, depending on if we get more free tickets.  We learn so much at the state fair that it totally counts as a field trip.

I didn't start the more difficult notebooking page idea yet.  I told them a little bit about it, but didn't make them start doing it yesterday.  The mood in the house yesterday, was kind of like 'hey, it's Friday, let's don't start anything new."  I may hold off a couple of weeks. 

These pictures are from the state fair a few years ago.  The Frasier Museum had an exhibit at the fair and would let people try on these authentic replicas of medieval helmets.   We had a ton of fun with them. 


  1. It'll get better! I'm about a month into homeschooling and things are finally starting to flow more smoothly... thank goodness!

  2. "homeschool back-to-school party"...Homeschooling is indeed widely accepted and it is getting a lot of success. Not to mention the relationship we will be having and leaving our children.
