Thursday, August 20, 2009

Do I have to?

l don't want to do school today. Or anything, really. I have gotten hooked on the show "Burn Notice" which we've got from Netflix and I just want to watch that. I will though. Most of the time I behave myself.
Grammar is going really well. My daughter especially loves the "Grammar with a giggle" book and although I don't think we're really giggling much, it's really painless. I've had to print out and brush up on my comma rules, because I just usually put one in whenever I feel like it and apparently there are more rules than I remembered.
We're doing "The Story of Science" instead of biology right now because I own the biology book (yard sale!) and the science book has to go back to the library very soon. We're also notebooking it. I've been letting them do whatever they want for their notebooks but I'm going to start today making them choose a format (maybe draw it out of a hat), so today, we'll be reading about Sir Isaac Newton and so the notebook page will be about Sir Isaac Newton, but maybe doing the page about him as a manga or a drawing or a poem or a paragraph, possibly using similes or metaphors or alliteration. This way I can teach two things at once, the science and language arts or art. They'll probably whine about this because it will stifle their creativity and basically make them work harder. I predict that the boys will whine the most. We'll see.


  1. I wish I could get Violet to notebook. She has no interest. Maybe she'll like the idea more later when she's older. I'm guessing not.

  2. Your school stuff sounds interesting! I really need to concentrate more on grammar/writing this year. Ashley, in particular feels the need to work more on her writing this year. We're off to help our oldest move back to the dorms today...his classes start Monday.
