Monday, June 29, 2009

The pool is up!

I tried to share pictures of it but I can't find my camera cord (again!).  It'll turn up eventually.  I took a few pictures of the pool itself and then my silly family all getting in the pool before it was even filled up all the way (cold water!), before  I left and went to the neurologist, but I couldn't share those even if I found my cord, because they threatened that if pictures of them in the pool turned up on my blog, that soon, film of me snoring would show up on America's Funniest Videos.  Apparently, Freckles and I have a great synchronized snoring show that we put on here pretty much every day.  I've heard we're hilarious.

We've got some crabby kids around here because someone forgot the sunscreen, actually four someones who should all know better, and now they have sunburns, fortunately, not too terrible, but still, I hate for them to get burned at all, ever. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh kids (& hubby) did that last year...the first day in the pool....I had gone to town. Came home & all my kids were burnt! I asked if anyone put sun block on.......uh, nobody told me to. Duh!!!!!!! How old is everyone now? Old enough to KNOW better!!!LOL
