Monday, June 29, 2009

Almost pool time!

My father-in-law came over yesterday with his tractor and helped us move the gravel and sand to try and make a flat place on the side of our knob and it's almost ready to put the pool there and fill it up.  My husband has gone to town to get a tarp (the one we had wasn't big enough) to put the pool on and then we'll inflate it and go.  Very exciting! 

Today, I'll be taking my mom to the neurologist (fun!) who I suspect makes only morning appointments and afternoon appointments and makes everyone wait until they just feel like they might die.  I'm not sure what the reason for this is.  I told mom to bring a book.  I may take my Rainbow Resource catalog and a notebook and get started on that big old thing.   That will make the time pass more quickly.   I might need to take a small table to put it on though.  It's heavy.

I've really got to get busy cleaning today before I go!

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