Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our new typical days.

It's funny how things change but after a while you realize that your typical type of day has changed too.  I think our typical day now involves at least 1 doctor's appointment for someone and getting the kids to do school on their own, with my older 2 doing it pretty well and my younger one dragging his feet all day.  As I type this, it's 1:30, I'm getting ready to leave for my second doctor's appointment of the day (the first one was at the crack of dawn for mom and this one's a checkup for me) and he hasn't even started his school work yet. 


I'm downloading "Skinny Songs" for my MP3 player so that maybe I'll be inspired when I'm on my walks.  I don't know.  Maybe they'll brain wash me into getting skinnier?  I might even go so far as to have to change my name on here to Skinnycat.  Oh I like the sound of that.  I've got a couple of books at the digital library that are ready for download too and I need to get those and then start walking, walking, walking.  I've got to get in shape for spring summer events like going to Kentucky Down Under and the state fair.  I've really let my fitness slide lately into unfitness.  It's bad. 

Anyway, gotta go.

1 comment:

  1. Skinnycat, I like it! Keep up the exercise when you can. Missing a few days (or more) in order to save your sanity is worth it. Hoping the walks go super!
