Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting through the weekend.

I'm finished with both shifts at the hospital and only have 3/4 of my shift for my work-at-home company to go.  I managed to get a nap between the shifts today and that helped a lot.  Only 3 weekends to go at the hospital, although the are spread out, 1 in April, 2 in May.  I'd really like to go ahead and quit now.  The boss has sent me an email asking me to work more shifts and I'm not sure how to respond to that.  I quit the job 2 months ago.  I really just want them to hire someone else and leave me alone.  How do I say that tactfully? 

While I was gone, my husband and kids worked on cleaning the house.  I LOVE when they do that.  We are moving youngest son out of daughter's room where he's been and into his older brother's room, so they worked on that.  Older son's room needs a lot of cleaning.  We may take tomorrow off school and work on that.  I'm never sure what I'm going to do one day in advance.  I'll have to see how I feel when tomorrow actually gets here. 

1 comment:

  1. I really don't know how you do it! I cleaned some things today - like the chair I'm sitting on, but I just cannot get myself to vacuum - and the place sorely needs vacuming (spel?) Just can't do it and I only have one job and one learner!
