Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The 4H art class went really well.  The lady who is donating her time to teach it is really good.  She kept the kids interest almost the entire time.  At one point, she handed out these erasers that can be molded like play-dough and for a few minutes, no one was paying attention to her, just making aliens, fish, mice, etc. out of their erasers.  Anyway, she got them back and gave them some homework to do some still lifes, although, I really don't think she gave them enough instruction in shadowing and vanishing points, etc. to do a much better job than they would've done anyway.  We'll see I guess.

After school, we went to one of the regular 4H classes, which was woodworking.  I guess I had visions of making bookshelves or something, but they'll each be making a birdhouse.  I shouldn't complain because the class and all the materials are free, but I really don't particularly want 3 birdhouses.   Oh well.  If they have fun with it and it's free ...

Update on Max:  He smells better, but his collar still smelled bad so I got him a new one today at Dollar Tree.  Freckles got one too, just because they had pink camo.  :-)

Homeschooling, The Ideal Versus the Reality Tidbit For Today:  On Why Homeschool a while back, they had a whole article on this.  I don't have a whole article, just a description of our less than ideal day today (hey, just keeping it real!) I had to work last night to what was supposed to be 11:00 p.m. but I couldn't get done on time with all I had downloaded, so it was 12:30 by the time I packed it in and went to sleep about 1:00.  I had to get up at 7:00 to take my mom in for a fasting blood test (just routine) and when I came home, I was tired, sleepy and felt awful.  So I took a nap pretty much the whole time the kids were doing their schoolwork, waking up every now and then to walk through the house and remind them to "do school" as we call it.  Somedays are just like that but fortunately, I've got them trained to just do it (mostly) on the days I can't sit right with them. 

Two Book Recommendations:
Thursdays at 8 by Debbie Macomber and The Yada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson.  I've read both of these this week and really enjoyed them. 

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