Friday, February 20, 2009


As usual, I've got no title as I just ramble on and on about this and that in most of my blog posts.   I do have a funny comment from one of the kids to share.  My youngest greeted me as he stepped in the back door yesterday.  He explained why he had went outside (not that I was concerned, really).  He said "I was going to go outside and talk to myself for a while, but I really didn't have much to say" 

My oldest is gone on a sleepover so he's getting the day off from school today, but it's just much easier to trade kids when we're at Thursday night skate night.  I might make him make it up on Sunday. 

We took our youngest cat, Zelda Ziggy, to get neutered this week.  I'm happy that we have 6 neutered pets now and we are doing the responsible thing, but I'd really kind of like to have puppies and kittens around since they are so fun.  I love to watch kittens play, especially.  I wonder it we could be a foster home for kittens?  I'd like the kids to have the whole experience of seeing them as newborns and how quickly they grow up.  I enjoyed that so much when I was a kid.

We should get started on school, it's nearly 11:00 o'clock and we've done nothing.


  1. I think being a foster home for kittens would be wonderful. If only there wasn't the whole poop thing...

    I guess we'll just have ole Lard Butt. LOL.

  2. Well, you just tell me how many kitties you'd like, send me your mailing address & I'll get a box sent out to your ASAP! LOL ;-)
