Tuesday, December 02, 2008

We need to start focusing on school again.

We've been barely doing the minimum for weeks now and we need to get going again.  I could probably go back and read my blog over the last few years and see the pattern of doing well with school and then slacking off, doing well and slacking off.  I know we do it.  I'm not sure why. Sometimes life just gets so busy.  The trick is to make sure at least the basics are always being covered.  That's what we try to do and then when everything's going well we add in the enrichment activities and fun stuff.  I hope I hit my stride soon with this job, but it doesn't seem likely.  Maybe in 6 months?  If I don't quit before then.  It seems like too much on top of all the other things I do.  Every one of the days I have off, I have something else planned, it seems like.  There don't seem to be any blank days on the horizon at all.  I need my down time!


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I think that especially with the holidays coming so fast, we feel all the more pressure. Reading your blog, you are doing plenty. I agree with you at least we try to cover the 4 basic subjects!!!
    It doesn't always happen, but I feel in time it will!!
    Sorry to hear the job still isn't going well. Keep with it.
    Remember, we all feel like we don't do enough and I also need some down time!!! Let's do it together!!! :)

  2. I am in the same place you are with the new job, new hours and trying to get school going with the kids.

    I actually can not wait to have that "rut" at work deep enough that I know what I am doing every day. Then maybe I can schedule my life properly.

    Stressfull, isn't it?
