Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I had a halfway decent day at work yesterday, despite being in a really bad mood when I went.  I hate leaving the kids home and going to work.   I know they're big now and my husband was here but sleeping, but I still hate it.  They did their schoolwork mostly on their own and had it done and all checked off when I got back.  We've got a lot of school related things to do today and hopefully, we'll get them all done.  I hate when we get behind or I feel like we haven't done enough.  We still haven't really looked at the mold we're growing in our petri dishes and drawn pictures of it like we are supposed to do for our science book.  We'll do that today and then throw it out.  I'm going to keep the petri dishes to grow some bacteria later though. 

Work was okay, I guess.  I just type and type and type.  The computer is old and mean and grouchy and the dictation system is identical to the one the hospital had that I started working at 15 years ago.  It's antique!  All the books I'm supposed to use are dated 1999, but thankfully I can use Google and Onelook, otherwise, I'd be going crazy (more crazy, I mean).  Since the spellcheck is pitiful and there is no autocorrect, I'm discovering 2 things about myself.  There are a ton of words that I can't spell, like aneurysm and Z-Pak (?)  and I've started listing these on the side of my monitor after I look them up on the internet.  There is also a set of words that I can't consistently type correctly, things like "hospital" and "patient" (which come up surprisingly often in medical transcription!).  These come out as "patinet" and "hopsital" most of the time.  Even with all that, I'm hanging in there for now.  I know (having learned recently) not to make any decisions while PMS is even a remote possiblity and I really want to give this job a chance since this is the closest hospital to me and it's my best chance for a job with paid time off and retirement, so I'm not going to quit now.  If I still hate it this much next spring, I will try and find something else. 



  1. Anonymous10:25 AM


  2. Hello.
    I am a high school senior, and I have to do an interview on a medical transcriptionist, because it is what I want to go to college for. I see that you are a medical transcriptionist, and I was wondering if I may interview you via e-mail.
    Thanks for your time,
    Jeri Trueblood
