Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, December 14.

I'm getting creative with my title again today.  :-)  Yes, it's Sunday.  December 14.  Can you believe how quickly Christmas is coming this year?  I think we ought to rethink the 'slower than Christmas' saying.  It is barreling at us this year.  I've got to re-do some of my Christmas shopping because the place I ordered it from is not planning to ship it until December 26.  Hmmm.  That won't work for some reason. 

I'm sorry about the lack of blog posts lately.  I've been working the last 2 days.  I sat at work last night, typing reports from the same doctor over and over and over since the only reports that were left in the queue were the ones that no-one wants to do, the lowest priority work, and to occupy my mind, I started taking blog notes.  I was going to blog my day at work.  It went kind of like this.

1:00 p.m.  Arrive at work.
1:39 p.m.  Think "Good grief, how long have I been here, my shift must be half over" and then realize I've only been here 39 minutes.
2:00  One hour. 
2:00 - 7:00 p.m. is all a blur, typing, typing, typing.  I did take a lunch break during this time.
7:00   A coworker stops by to say hello.  I'm thankful for someone to talk to.   A doctor drops in to check for charts.  I wish he'd go dictate something so I can quit typing the same reports over and over and over and over with no macros, no word expanders, no shortcuts, only typing the same thing over and over and over and over and over, just for different patients.  Quietly.  Going.  Insane.
8:30 finally arrives and I am free!

Can you tell I'm still not loving it?  Really I don't mind it as much if there is some variety in the work.  Nobody was admitting or discharging patient's yesterday so the only thing I could do was chip away at the backlog of reports and that involved typing nearly identical pain management epidural steroid injections for 7 hours straight, which kind of got a little old.

Anyway, today I'll be Christmas shopping again I guess, after church.  Hopefully I will find all of the things I still need to buy.

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