Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It snowed last night, about 3 or 4 inches.  The kids are very happy and have been playing outside.  I'm staying in making chili and trying to work on the house a little.  I was going to go get Mr. Cuteness (my nephew) and spend some time with him but because of the snow, I didn't want to risk driving this morning.  It's got some ice underneath it.  :-(  Maybe I'll get to do that another day.

The picture is from last years snow.  I'm too lazy to take a new one.  :-P


  1. Cute snowman. I wanted to get my grandkids today but the icy roads deters me. Looks like we're in the same boat.

  2. Our snow should be starting in the next hour, I just got back from running errands. Enjoy the snow day! Love the snowman!!
