Saturday, November 22, 2008

So many things to do ...

I really need to get in gear. I had planned to paint the kitchen this fall. I need to BEGIN my Christmas shopping. (I can't believe how close it is getting!). I'm trying to start a homeschooled teen network for my older son to find some kids he can get together with and play video games and hang out. Although our homeschool group is wonderful, the next oldest kids to him are the large group of 12-year-old girls. I've got to get Christmas pictures of the kids done and cards made. I'm supposed to be making myself an appointment with an allergist to address my food allergies, but I think that's going to have to wait until after the new year if I go at all. I don't know. I did START the Christmas list last night, something I usually do in October or so, but that's as far as I've gotten. I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed at the moment. I know, I need to make a list and start checking things off.

A really long list.

Speaking of Christmas, I'm going to put in a plug for my store. I have a store on Cafepress where I sell gifts for grandparents. I also have some items that aren't grandparent related, but fun. Here's the link.

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