Friday, November 21, 2008

( ) insert clever title.

I am starting this blog entry this morning with very little idea what I will blog about. It is my second day off in a row and I'm really enjoying that fact. I have to go in to work again tomorrow. School went okay yesterday and we got quite a bit of work done on the plot outlines for the novels. It's amazing working with them on these. I'm trying to facilitate their writing, help them write without really giving them any of my ideas because I want this to be their work, not mine. I enjoy watching how their minds work and how imaginative that they are. It's cool. In science news, we're trying to grow some bread mold in petri dishes on the windowsill. I think anyone who came to our house would be able to tell we homeschool; there are microscopes, petri dishes, science kits, time lines, posters about animal kingdoms, and of course homeschool schedules and checklists hanging on the wall. We have found that we need to hang them on the wall or we will lose them, especially youngest son. He can lose 5 to 6 lists a week.

Today we will be focusing on school and housework. Hopefully we'll get the first draft outlines for the novels done, some mold will grow in our petri dishes and we'll have a good day of learning and start the weekend with a relatively clean house. Can you all believe how quickly the end of November is coming? It's almost Thanksgiving!  We went skating with the homeschool group last night and we moms sat around and worked on planning the Christmas parties, one for the kids and one for the Moms.  :-0

1 comment:

  1. Yep, this semester is zipping away....Chris finished classes today, came home this evening & is off for a whole week...then back & straight into exams & school will be done by Dec. 12! Wow!!
