Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Work went okay last night. I'm getting the hang of the computer system a little bit. I put a post-it note on the monitor so that I can remember which weird key to use for each function. Let's see, is it F12 or the right arrow key, shift F1 or control F1? Eventually I might get pretty good at it. I switched torture devices chairs 3 times last night. The boss said that it was okay for me to bring in my own chair so I might do that. I hate to give it up at home though. (I'm sitting in it right now you know, so my blogging might be affected.:-)

I'm still missing my freedom and I'm going to have to call in tomorrow because of the funeral, but I can work Friday instead or just go in late. That's the part I don't like, the part of having to call and let everyone know what my plans are, no longer being free to set my own schedule. I'm spoiled, I know it. My husband says that all I did was complain about my old job and now I'm complaining about my new one but hey, I whine about other things too, not just my job. The truth is, I'm burned out on being an MT and I want to do something else.

We've got the funeral home visitation today but maybe we'll get school done first. The youngest has got a bad cold and I don't know about taking him tonight, so I'll have to think about that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Sorry for your family's loss. :o(

    I would choose whining in the comfort of my own home any day. ;o)
