Monday, November 10, 2008


Okay, Monday is no longer my favorite day. :-) Today is my first time working a full shift. It's going to be hard to type for that long, in that chair. I may need to take 5 or 6 more pillows. ;-) I have a list of things to ask my supervisor about, including breaks, lunch, bringing my own chair and word expanders. I still don't know if this is going to work out. I miss being home. I miss my freedom and flexibility.

I guess we'll get started on school before I have to leave.

In other news, my husband's grandmother passed away yesterday, so be thinking of him and the rest of his family this week, especially his grandfather.


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    My condolences to your husband and his family. I will add them to our prayer list!
    I am so sorry to hear about your new job and how horrible it is. I hope that you get satisfactory answers to your questions.
    Keep us updated!!

  2. I really hope that this work situation gets better for you or that you can find a better set up. I'll be thinking of you and hoping you at least get your chair!!

  3. So sorry to hear of the death of your husband's grandmother. It sounds like work is a tough place to be these days too. What are the possibilities of making changes?


  4. So sorry to hear about your hubby's grandmother. Will certainly be praying for them all!!

    Sure hope everything works out with your new job.

    And thanks for checking up on were like the third person today that has emailed or checked in wanting to know if everything was ok since I hadn't posted in a while. Just crazy busy around here with hunting season in full swing & what-not.

  5. You know it is a natural thing for someone, especially older folks, to pass away. But you still hate to see them go. So many of them have so much to offer us.

    I miss my Nanny and she has been gone for 13 years. You are in my thoughts.
