Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trying to get things done.

We've got the social worker coming today at noon and somehow, we need to do school and work too. It wouldn't be a big deal if I were one of those highly organized people whose house is always clean and neat, but I am not, so when the social worker comes we have to clean and straighten up. She has to tour the entire house every time she comes so every bit of it needs to be clean. We can't just shove things in the bedrooms and close the door, not that we'd ever do that. ;-) While I've been cleaning, I've been day dreaming about winning the HGTV sweepstakes and hiring someone to clean my house every day ... (hey, a girl can dream!). I was also wondering, as I went through the house, what I ever cleaned up before we got dogs. It seems like I just clean up dog hair all the time now. It's a full time job in itself. I guess I should stop blogging now and get back to work. I also need to give notice on my current job since I'm starting my new job in a couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. That would SO be me.....having to drop everything & clean up! With 6 of us here all the time, my house pretty much stays a disaster. Especially with a 'slob' for a hubby....& I say that in a nice way....luv my hubby, but he sure is messier than me! Just don't EVER drop by my house without letting me know at least a day ahead of time!! Ha!
