Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Learning to live without my word expander.

I use a word expander for my job called Shorthand. I used to use SmartType and loved it, but it couldn't work with the software I have to use for my job, so I got Shorthand and now I'm quite happy with it. Unfortunately, though, at my new job, they don't really use a word expander; well, they said they had one but it wasn't any good. In preparation for working there, I've been trying to type this morning without mine. I've found that after just one report, my arms and wrists hurt. I guess I need to do it all the time now, to train my arms and get them used to it? That is one part of the new job I am NOT looking forward to.

For an example of how shorthand works, here's what I type:

sod 139, k 5, chl 108, bi 20, bun 92, cre 7.2, glu 128, calc 7.9, albu 2.6. Wbcc 7, hg 9, ht 27.1, pc 173.

and here's what the report looks like after Shorthand expands it all.

Sodium 139, potassium 5, chloride 108, bicarbonate 20, BUN 92, creatinine 7.2, glucose 128, calcium 7.9, albumin 2.6. White blood cell count 7, hemoglobin 9, hematocrit 27.1, platelet count 173.


I'm gonna miss it.


  1. Hi, I am actually responding to your last post... Are you a foster parent? If so, do you also homeschool your foster child(ren)? I ask because many of the foster children that I have had would have really benefited from being homeschooled with us, but our agency strongly discourages it. Just wondering.


  2. Technically we are foster parents but we haven't had our first placement yet. We were offered a placement a couple of weeks ago but turned it down because the situation just didn't seem right and now we are back to waiting. If we had a school age foster child, he or she would have to go to public school.
