Friday, August 01, 2008

What a Month!

You know I was just thinking about it and I'm actually glad to be rid of July this year. It was quite a month. I started thinking about all the stuff that happened this month and there were so many things I started making a list in my head. It's no wonder I've been kind of stressed, gained weight and let the housework go. Honestly. Here's a partial list of things that happened in July 2008. The main thing was that my mom got very sick so that she could only lie around for more than a week, weak, tired and very worrisome. I had to call multiple doctors and take her to the emergency department, try and keep her household going and keep her medications straight. Ya'll know how I love making phone calls, but I will if I'm forced to. I really feel for people who are doing full time caregiving. I do not know how they handle it.

Also this month, I got lost going to the doctor who had moved (wasting a lot of time), I've had 2 visits from my dreaded monthly visitor (with accompanying splitting headache and PMS), a bladder infection which has been going on the whole month and has gotten me referred to a specialist who can't see me until the end of August. Our air conditioning went off for 2 days. I couldn't put gas in the van because the gas door thingy got stuck. The insane cat peed in my kitchen twice. Our pool's not up and the backyard is a mess. The house is a mess. Our roof leaked when the remnants of hurricaine Dolly got here. Finally, at 8:30 p.m. on the 31st of this month, my van broke down. *

Meanwhile, I've just kept plugging away at work, not missing any hours, took the kids to swimming and skating, the library, 4H, the fair, VBS and everything else. Hanging in there. Being a trooper.

There have been some good things this month. We got Zelda, who is the world's cutest kitten. My daughter did well at the fair. I baked my first ham and it was delicious. The sunflowers have bloomed and the tomatoes are doing great in the garden. And finally, my youngest is on chapter 5 of Harry Potter book one. This is a major reading triumph for him.


Let's hope August has more of the good and less of the bad, difficult, messy and just plain annoying.

*I forgot to mention that our mower is broken.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM


  2. Hi,

    There is something wrong with my blog. I keep getting blocked out. They stated they had accedently labled some blogs as spam and are trying to fix it.

    I am here to school to see if it was my computer or the web page. It is the web page. I guess it is blogger. I was just seeing if any other blogs were having trouble.

    My gosh! you have had a busy time of it. I feel for you. I have only had one bladder infection and that was enough for me! My mom gets them alot.

    I think you have had your share for the year in July! I hope it gets better soon.

    Maybe they will have the "blog thing" fixed soon. How does a person contact blogger?

  3. I heard some other bloggers were having trouble too. I usually just wait it out. It's happened to me a couple of times too.

    Thanks for all the kind thoughts everyone.

    Here's to August being better!

  4. Sorry to hear so many things went wrong! But it's a new month and I sure hope things go more smoothly for you : )
