Saturday, August 02, 2008

Looking forward.

I'm looking forward to starting school. Now I need to figure out how to write checklists/schedules for me and the kids that include all the chores I want done and all the school stuff we need to do, but do not seem overwhelming.

Here's the list of curriculum that I have so far for each child. I tried to pick several things that have grade ranges of 5th to 12th or 6th -10th so we could all work on them together and the high schooler can get credit. The Rainbow Resource catalog is great for this.

Daily math review (a few problems of each type to practice each day.) More here.
Math Mammoth - Measuring, Money and Geometry from Currclick.
Handwriting - copywork.
Reading - Magnetic word bits/ review sight word cards/ reading practice/ word attack skills.
Personal hygiene.

Math review.
Math Mammoth - Measuring, Money and Geometry from Currclick.
Reading - I may get her to work with her brother on his reading or just assign her things to read.
Handwriting - Copywork.
Personal hygiene.

Algebra 1 from Key Curriculum Press
Computer course from Christian Light Publications.
Computer text that was recommended for the CLEP/Dantes test.
Assigned reading.
Personal Hygiene.

Afternoon/Group activities.
Geography Christian Cottage Unit on the Eastern Hemisphere.
Learn to Write the Novel Way.
Teaching English Through Art from Currclick. This may also be an art credit. I got it from Currclick because I'm an affiate there and I had a few dollars credit which made it cheaper than anywhere else.
Home Science Adventures Microscopic explorations from Rainbow Resource.
Free Earth Science

I had to shop carefully to make sure these things we all do together can go up to high school level and down to the elementary level. I guess I will be doing some adapting, but I'd rather we all work on some things together. It's fun and it promotes bonding and it's easier for me. With this schedule my high schooler should get 2 language arts credits, 1 science, 1 computer (and college credit too if he passes the CLEP), 1 math, maybe 1 art, 1 social studies, 1 music, 1 PE (we'll do an exercise log). I'd also like to get him into Karate if our finances permit. The science curriculum that says it is ages 6-9 really doesn't look that elementary to me so we're going to use it and supplement it with the microscopic explorations and a lot of books from the library.

Now if I can just find the wonderful high school planner I bought last year ...


  1. Wow....I'm jealous. Looks like you got everything all together. I'm ready to get back into a routine, but just waiting to get C. settled into college first.

  2. I am fascinated by homeschooling! I've heard so many good things about it, and it sounds like you really have it together.

    PS- thanks for the name suggestion! I personally love the name Daniel, but since it was the #1 name in California last year, my husband vetoed it.

  3. I want to get planning, but I don't want summer to be over, but I want to start school, but I like goofing off. Guess I'm just not ready to organize yet.
