Thursday, May 01, 2008

Untitled/Random Thoughts.

I can't think of a title today. Maybe when I'm finished spilling out my random thoughts, something will come to me. Hey, maybe Random Thoughts. There we go.

Anyway, it's been a busy week, as usual. Fortunately, we finished Awana yesterday, so maybe our weeks will be less busy for a while. Right at the moment, next week is looking pretty good. We've got a Letterboxing field trip for a couple of hours on Monday and that might be 4H day too. That will be good to combine those 2 trips. One will be at 1 and the other around 4:30, so that will work out well, if it is 4H day. I'll email my fellow 4H mom and ask her. She keeps up with the once a month meetings much better than I do. So next week we might be able to get the majority of our spring cleaning/chore lists done. Hey, it could happen! Then we just have game night at the library on Thursday.

Today, our big event is driving to Nicholasville to possibly buy a car. My husband has been looking and looking and has finally found something he likes, so maybe no more sharing the van! It will be nice to go back to 2 cars again. After the crazy last few weeks we've had, with a blur of field trips, doctors appointments and eating out a lot, we need to go on 2 kinds of diets, a low calorie diet and a money diet!

Here are some of my youngest son's notebooking pages. If they're sideways, I apologize. My computer is running so slowly this morning, I'm surprised it even let me post them without timing out. He has writing issues so he dictates the information to me for these pages. These are messy and it looks like I have writing issues too, but he talks so fast when he's dictating!

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