Friday, May 02, 2008

A better day?

I hope today is a better day than yesterday, which was kind of a pain for several reasons. We did get the car so now we are a 2 car family again. It's an older station wagon so we'll be able to haul everyone in it plus it was inexpensive, so that's good. The kids are hopeful that we'll get to take it on field trips and maybe let their friends ride with us.

Part of the reason that yesterday was a pain was that there was no work in the queue, which is the case again today. There were about 20 jobs last night, right before we had to go pick up the car, so I could have worked last night after taking the kids skating and to game night. If we don't have work today, it will be exhausting trying to get it all done on Saturday and Sunday. I don't even want to think about what will happen if we don't have work those 2 days! I really am going to have to look for another job, I think, but with our unbelieveably slow internet service, it's hard to find one in my field. Most of the job openings require high speed.

Another reason is that we had to go to the grocery and they are remodeling it. Everything is all mixed up and we can't find what we usually buy and also we end up buying things we haven't seen before and spending more money than we should. We had a coupon to get a free fabric softener if we bought detergent, so we got both and then when my daughter was putting the fabric softener in the van, she accidently closed the back door on it and the fabric softener top got crushed in the door and split open. We managed to get it picked up with about 80% of the fabric softener still in it and brought it home. I guess I should be thankful it didn't spill on any groceries or in the van.

My day was more annoying than this for so many reasons but I'll just spare my poor reader/s the details. We did get school done yesterday morning and we will get it done again today. I was able to get to the library last night and find some good books to make it more interesting and fun.


  1. Ooooh, I love that bird....beautiful!! Sure hope your weekend gets better! *Hugs*

  2. Ugh what a day! Hope things are improving!
