Thursday, April 10, 2008


I can't believe it's Thursday already. This has been a fast, busy week. We've got a meeting today with our foster care mentor and then game night at the library. We have only done one day of regular school this week. We did school on Monday before the 4H field trip. Then the museum field trip on Tuesday. We took yesterday off. I needed a break. I was tired from the 2 busy days before and I needed to catch up on work. We didn't take spring break so we could have a day off every now and then so we took one of them. Today we'll at least do morning school. Then we've got the meeting, then the library and we won't be home for a while. We've been listening to a book based in Italy, The Thief Lord, at night for about 1/2 an hour and that counts as part of our unit study.

I've been wanting to do a little bit of shopping for curriculum for next year, but I have restrained myself. It's not time yet. Around here, there is a huge book sale at the end of May and I want to get as much as I can there. Homeschoolers bring their used curriculum and set it up like a flea market. I probably need to decide what I want before I go, but I might just grab things once I get there. It's great to actually be able to open the books and look through them - much better than shopping on line. I found some really good bargains the one time I got to go before and I am really looking forward to it this year.

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