Saturday, April 12, 2008

Still here.

I didn't have anything to say yesterday on my blog. I was busy doing some cleaning and gardening. It was beautiful outside and I enjoyed getting out in it. Today, there's at least some work in the queue so I'm working indoors although hopefully, I'll get to get outside later. We have a couple of days with no plans here and it feels good. Then, we'll go into another very, very busy week. I hate when we have something planned very minute. I need my downtime. I may postpone my checkup at the doctor yet again to try and find a less busy time. It's an hour to get there, an hour back and no telling how long to wait and I just don't know if I can work that in this week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I know what you mean about needing your down time! I'm the same way!!
