Sunday, April 06, 2008

Reasons to Homeschool.

I've been jotting these down all week for some reason.

1. More time with each other.
2. A schedule that can flex. (and frequently does)
3. Vacationing in the off season.
4. An education tailored to each child.
5. No peer pressure.
6. Better relationships with siblings. Our siblings are our longest lasting relationships. (I hate that commercial where the big sister can't even remember her little brother's name!.)
7. No zero tolerance policies.
8. No bullies.
9. None of that horrible back to school shopping, in the crowded aisle of Walmart with 3 different, very specific (picky!), expensive lists.
10. No fund raisers!
11. Way, way more field trips. We went on 20 last year. Our homeschool group gets school group discounts. ;-)
12. Doing science experiments in the kitchen.


  1. the list.....some of the very same reasons I would jot down. Think I just might steal this & put it on my blog too. Do you hate that I always 'steal' from you? I hope not! It's just that you have such GREAT ideas for blog topics. ;-)

  2. I've been scribbling a list of my own all morning as a matter of fact.....about staying home with our kids & making ends meet. Came on here to find the link I had looked at the other day.....Like Merchant Ships.....(I LOVE that title by the way!!)couldn't remember where to find it, but I see I've come to the right place.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    This is a great list. And it only took you a week. Wow. Impressive.
    Obviously it shows where your mind set is when the very first one on your list is more time with each other.
    Have you ever tried any books?
    Currently I am addicted to reading Laura Robb. She has everything jotted down point by point in her books.
    The one I'm currently reading is called Teaching Reading: A Differentiated Approach. She too really shows she cares about her students and parents as well as teachers.
