Sunday, April 06, 2008

Darn Clock.

Our clock played an April fools trick on me this morning. After a very long day of work yesterday, I finally went to bed around 12:30. At 7:45 this morning, I stumbled out of bed and went to make coffee. On the way to put the dog out, I noticed the living room clock that said 8:45. I went, before drinking coffee or sitting in my comfy chair gradually waking up, to wake the kids up. When my teen came into the kitchen, he said, "Why did you get us up so early?" They could have all slept an extra hour and still made it to Sunday School. Our clock was made to reset itself for daily savings time but it doesn't realize that congress has started changing it randomly. So instead of being lucky that we bought such a nice clock and no one has to climb up and change it twice a year, now we have to change it 4 times a year, twice when it actually goes to daylight savings time and twice when the clock thinks it does, but it doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. OMG....that is too funny! I know you don't think so, but thanks for the little giggle I got this morning. Also a pain in the butt to fix it FOUR times a year! Good grief!
