Friday, February 22, 2008


I've been having computer problems all morning. It was running so slow that it would let me type 2 letters or so and then I'd have to wait. The digital dictation that I listen to was getting stuck and repeating itself. I couldn't blog. I couldn't email. Ooh, it was awful. Then my husband came home and fixed it and also brought me Heath bars. Ahh. Things are better now. I'm going to try and get some transcription done before the other homeschool moms get here at 6:00 p.m. No school today but sometimes life just intrudes. We may do some things over the weekend to make it up or we might not. We are looking at going later into the summer this year than we have years past, but you know the kids get bored in the summer anyway. The 2 older ones say they won't mind a little school. My youngest said he doesn't mind as long as it is science and art. Hey, it sounds good to me. Every year, we are moving closer to the learning as a lifestyle instead of the school model that we started out with.


  1. Amen on the moving toward learning as a lifestyle!!

    Glad you got your computer problems fixed & Heath bars to boot.....that's awesome!

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Your husband is the Heath fairy? Rats! I wish I'd known! I'd have written him a letter! :o)

    Glad your computer problems are fixed!
