Thursday, February 21, 2008

Freezing Rain.

We're stuck at home. We didn't get to go skating or to the library game night. I really wanted to go to the library because I finished my book ight and haven't have anything to read all day long. It's terrible to be in the mood to read and have no book! I'm reading the Zion Chronicles series by Bodie Thoene and I just finished the fifth one last night. Next time I even think we might have wintery weather, I'm going to lay in a supply of books and Heath bars.

Hopefully, we'll get to venture out tomorrow. I need to pick up a few things before the mom's night tomorrow night and maybe I'll get to the library and get that book!


  1. Oh, I wish I lived closer....I have a stack of books on my kitchen table that I got from the library & really NEED to read...I could share. I always end up getting more than I can possibly read in a two-week time period.

  2. Did you get that ICE STORM? I hate those. I would much rather have snow than ice.

    Heath Bars...yummmmm!!!!!
    They are hard on the teeth but they taste so scrumchash.

    I hope you miss the worst of the weather. I hate it when the power goes out for days.

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Where do you hide to have YOUR Heath?

  4. Ugh, ice storms are the worst! Stay in until the roads are clear.

    This winter will be over soon. Won't it?
