Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yesterday, we started our discussion of WW2 by reading a chapter about Hitler and then each child wrote a mini-biography of him for the notebooking page on the war. My youngest son's was really 'mini'. He drew a picture then wrote "This is Adolf Hitler. He was mean. He had a funny moustache." This child has always had a lot of trouble with writing so this was good for him. I noticed when he was little that he didn't draw and color like the other 2 kids had. Now he does like to draw but still does not like to write. It has crossed my mind to take him to an occupational therapist to work on his pencil grip and whatever other issues he has but I'm not sure insurance would pay for it, if he really needs it or if he just needs more practice.

I don't seem to have any more thoughts in my head today and my computer is delaying and driving me crazy, so I guess this will be my whole blog post for now.

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