Thursday, January 24, 2008

Testing out Murphy's Law.

I'm trying to prove out Murphy's Law today with my job. You know the one that says "Everything that can go wrong will go wrong." When I first started this morning, my computer was running very, very, very, slow, so slow that I really couldn't work. So I ran some Spyware scans and got that working better. Then, I started to download work, but there was no work in my 4 hospitals. My company sent me a packet to initiate a fifth hospital, something I didn't want to do because I don't like having to keep up with all the little quirks the different ones have. I'm old and I should be allowed to stay in a rut, doing what I know, right? One hospital does not allow abbreviations. Three of the hospitals expect abbreviations as long as they aren't in the diagnosis part of the report. One hospital never allows you to type the phrase "emergency room", it has to be "emergency department". It goes on and on. So anyway, I tried to initiate the new hospital which took a long, long, long time because of our terribly slow internet. Then, just as I got ready to get started, I had to leave and take my son somewhere. When I got back, 3 out of 4 of the company's servers were down and I had to switch servers 3 times and then reboot and finally, finally, finally (I'm into triple words tonight), at 8:47 p.m., I am ready to get some work done. But now I'm tired.

On the other hand, school (which we did while waiting for the files to initiate) went well, I guess. World War 2 is a difficult subject but we're getting through it. The other subjects, math, reading, grammar, writing and spelling are all going okay. Thank goodness something is.


  1. Im using childrens books that make WWII more manageable and coloring books on the war and novels set in that time period. It is indeed a hard time to cover. There is just so much its hard to know how to approach it.

  2. Sounds like a rough day workwise.
    Hope today is better!
