Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So much for routines ...

We kind of threw ours out the window this afternoon. We started out okay. We all did our morning school lists which consist of chores, personal hygeine and exercise. So you could say we had PE and Health classes this morning. There was a short lecture on how a family is a team and even if you didn't make this particular mess, there are plenty of messes that you make that other people clean up. I guess that's a bit on citizenship/social studies right there. Then we started working on American History. I read one chapter in the text we're using and the kids made a notebook page. We're working on the war year by year and we are at 1941, so it was about mostly Pearl Harbor. We did a mini-biography of the Japanese leader at that time, Tojo. (I can't spell his first name without looking it up.) Sometime during history, I developed a splitting headache. Youngest son has been wanting to play Risk the game of world domination and strategy for weeks, thinking we should do it and count it as school since we're learning about wars. Today, I said okay and they played it with their Dad while I took a headache-relieving wonderful nap. The younger kids also invented 2 games, their own kind of bowling and a nerf shooting gallery game during the breaks from Risk because sometimes it's a long time between your turns. (Yes, I can sleep right on through nerf shooting and water bottle bowling.) Now they are watching Fetch with Ruff Ruffman on PBS and learning about the structure of the human brain.

Let's see, PE, Health, Citizenship, Social Studies, History, Geography, inventing a game, which goes along with our game/baseball mini-unit (I just made that up!) and Anatomy. Got a lot covered today, didn't we?


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM


    We are doing alot with the primary and voting. It is alot of fun.

    I hope your headache has eased up!!


  2. LMBO when I saw sunshineperri's comment! That was EXACTLY what I was going to say!

    So glad that someone else out there 'thinks' like I do! To me, you can turn almost any situation into a learning experience!
